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Blog: The Modern Charts

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EXCITINGLY I just got back this month's return from those nice people at CDBABY who deal with our iTunes (and so forth) STUFF, to tell me what SONGS we have sold this month. It's not a HUGE amount or anything but it IS Quite Jolly, so I thought I'd update my ROCK DATABASE to keep a more accurate track of what's going on, and am thus able to bring you our first ever ONLINE SALES CHART, so we can see what is going DOWN with The Kids on the The Interweb. Here we go!
1The Lesson Of The Smiths
2=WE VALIDATE! (full album)
2=Hey Hey 16K
4This Is Not A Library (full album)
5Say It With Words (full album)
6The Gay Train
7Leave My Brother Alone
7=Good Cooking
9=Things'll Be Different When I'm In Charge
9=Nothing In Common, Except, Maybe...
9=Easily Impressed
9=Better Things To Do
9=BBC2 (A New Hope)

FUTURISTIC, isn't it? I'd sort of expected it to be slightly different, maybe with Hey Hey 16K at the very top then This Is Not A Library, as that's the one that's completely sold out now, I certainly wasn't expecting The Lesson Of The Smiths to be QUITE as far out ahead as it is, and I'm PLEASED to discover that people are buying the NEW stuff more than the old, by and large. Hey hey, it also rather VALIDATES the decision to make the next single a The Lesson Of The Smiths/The Gay Train DOUBLE A-SIDE, doesn't it? Unless, of course, this means that all the people who'd ever WANT to have the songs now DO have them. Hmm.

I guess there's only one way to find out, right?

posted 5/12/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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Do you have the stats for any of your former bands? Both Voon and The Council are available on iTunes as well...
posted 6/12/2006 by Jon Pennycook

ALAS no - the Voon and Council songs are, i think, put their by the mighty corporate organisation that is Sorted Records, whose DATA STRANDS i am not privvy to. However, the fact that Sorted Supremo Dave Dixey hasn't been round with a BIG FAT CHEQUE does rather lead me to believe that nobody's downloaded any!
posted 8/12/2006 by MJ Hibbett

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