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Blog: Edinburgh: The Proper Announcement

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Right then, here's the FULL DETAILS of Dinosaur Planet: The Musical at this year's Edinburgh Festival!

As discussed the other day, myself and my colleague Mr S Hewitt will be performing at The GRV every day from August 5th to 14th at 12 Noon. It's a full-cast (hem hem) musical, based on the script for the concept album which we're currently recording, and will include ALL the songs (with three news ones not done last year) and even MORE dinosaurs, robots, space ships and planet-shaking battles.

It'll hopefully be even MORE exciting than last year's version and, if nothing else, being on at NOON means it should be quite a bit more SOBER. As stated previously, it wasn't our first choice of timeslot but HEY being on that early does mean we'll not clash with much, and enables me to devote EVEN MORE time to What The Festival Is All About i.e. BEER and CURRY and Deciding Not To Go And See Things.

We're doing it as part of the five pound fringe this year too, so ALL tickets will be a fiver apart from the first two nights which are officially PREVIEW shows and thus half price. We'll ALSO be doing a few warm-up shows around the country before we go up, and I really ought to BOOK those, as well as a couple of nights at The Camden Fringe when we get back.

Before then though there's WORK to do - as well as learning lines there's flyers to design, costumes to buy, other costumes to MAKE, songs to learn and choreography to CHOREOGRAPH. It all felt like a long way off when we had our first practice, now suddenly it seems CLOSE. I can feel the DINOSAUR BREATH on my neck!

posted 24/3/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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Is the "Proper Chart Topping Popstar" still involved? Who is (or was) it?
posted 25/3/2010 by georgethe23rd

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