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Blog: And now it's time for the gallery

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All may seem serene and calm on the main webpage at the moment but I can assure you that work is going on night and day to improve your browsing experience. For instance, I've spent the past week or two re-writing the systems behind the images gallery so that it's a bit more useable than it used to be, and then adding a whole HEAP of pictures.

There are now LOADS there, which I hope you will enjoy. There seems to be a bit of a GAP in recent times, but then i guess that might just be because we haven't done all that much, in the PUBLIC EYE at least, this year. However, now I've got a workable system (the old version used to take me AGES of BRANE WORK to get new stuff into) I'll try and get SNAPPING a bit more often.

The next thing on the list of improvements is VIDEOS! EXCITING, isn't it?

posted 10/6/2010 by MJ Hibbett

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