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Blog: Brand Extension

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Sorry for the lack of BLOGS this week, i have been otherwise engaged EXTENDING my various BRANDS!

After the LOVELINESS of Totally Acoustic the other night I had e DELIGHTFUL morning on Wednesday doing the Podcast, which is very much available to download now. It is a thing of JOY!

There's only two more to go for this series, but i've ALREADY got a too-long list of people I'm going to ask for the NEXT series. I'm not sure when that'll be - maybe around Christmas, maybe even in 2012 - but before then there will be a couple of Edinburgh Fringe Specials, for LO! I have BOOKED us for two shows during the Fringe on August 10th and 17th! HOOPLA! That nice Mr Buckley-Hill gave us two empty spots at the Buffs Club at 6.15pm and I've pretty much BOOKED the acts for it already. It's going to feature MANY veterans of past shows and, if I can get the software loaded onto my laptop, will be podcast WHILE we're there. MODERN! also, EXCITING - my only worry is if the act in the slot BEFOREHAND over-run. I understand they are RIGHT Divas...

And talking of Moon Horse (for such it is), did I mention the SNAZZY new website what I have made? It is a bit SNAZZY - I sat myself down and decided to FINALLY learn how to do page layout using CSS, after being told for YEARS that "it's so much easier than using tables." It TOTALLY isn't, but DOES mean you can stick in some Faily Funky Features, which I did. You can also see this year's poster, which i think is ACE! I know, i know, you'd expect me to, but still. IT IS.

If all this has made you ALMOST as excited as ME (which would be a LOT), rest assured I am working on ways to SATE this IMPULSE, as I am busily booking up our PREVIEWS. Yesterday I got not one but TWO gigs in Fragrant Lewisham sorted out, one to do a full preview and the other doing me and Steve's ROCK SET, which we'll be doing if anybody asks us to do a Short Set Somewhere. If anybody, by the way, would like us to do a Short Set somewhere, do let me know!

Details of the GIGS are, as ever, over on gigs page - I've just got the WEST END PREVIEW to book and I think that's just about all sorted. Then I can go back to thinking about the Dinosaur Planet album, the SECRET Normal Island PROJECT and this idea for a new VIDEO I've had.

I tell you what, I'm glad we've got all these Bank Holidays coming up, I reckon I'm going to need them!

posted 8/4/2011 by MJ Hibbett

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