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Blog: A Brief History of Time Travel

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After work yesterday I strolled into nearby Fitzrovia for a MEETING with Mr S Patrick and Mr J Hunt to discuss doing the THEME TUNE to their forthcoming podcast sitcom A Brief History Of Time Travel.

The whole project is RATHER impressive - they did a Kickstarter Campaign to raise money to have proper recordings, packaging, ACTORS even, and they've OVER ACHIEVED with 155 people backing them up. One GOAL was to get someone to write them a theme tune and, EXCITINGLY, the person they asked was ME!

We met up to discuss what form this would take, and to sort out various Grown-Up Issues, which we did WITH EASE. The plan is for me to write them a SONG which is just ABOUT Time Travel, and then to ADJUST it to meet their requirements (or indeed re-write it altogether if they don't like it). Once that's done me and The Validators will go into the studio and record several versions of it (a full version, a shorter one for the titles, instrumental for the end etc etc) along with some Various Incidental Music. I've got a list of the settings for the episodes, and they're going to send me SCRIPTS before we go in so we can see what sort of stuff might be needed. The MAIN thing is to do the theme tune, but we all thought - Seb, James AND The Validators - that once we've got everything set up in the studio we might as well go on and see if we can do OTHER stuff for them to use.

It all sounds like a LOT of fun, and TERRIBLY exciting - it might be a huge success and in ten years time we'll be doing the theme song at the OSCARS, or it could just end up being a DELIGHTFUL thing that those 155 enjoy, but either way we should start to find out around August, when it's due to start being released.

I think this could work out rather GRATE. I mean, it's not going to be as good as "Theme From Neighbours" or WINGS' version of The Crossroads Theme Tune (NOTHING COULD), but I reckon we're going to get something pretty GROOVY out of all this. All I need to do now is write the song!

posted 23/1/2013 by MJ Hibbett

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I know it's maybe a bit too 16-bit, but seeing as it used the same soundchip as in the Spectrum+, will the theme or soundtrack quietly feature any elements of this classic bit of chippery? (Aka 7 Gates of Jambala hi-score table theme, but I always knew it as how it's titled on youtube...)
posted 24/1/2013 by MarkP

...or if I was to insert a link to a video that doesn't cut the tune off before the end :/
posted 24/1/2013 by MarkP

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