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Blog: Totally Quorate

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Thursday has turned into my "in town" day, where I go into Actual London and DO stuff, and this Thursday just gone was no exception. I did LUNCH with Ms E Morgan, where we talked about SITCOMS, and then had COFFEE with Mr J Dredge, and told each other lots of JOKES. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon!

The main business of the day was yet to come, however, as it was time for another Totally Acoustic. This run has been, well, not exactly BLIGHTED but at least AFFECTED by various illnesses and ISSUES that have stopped people from being able to play and/or causing equipment to go wrong, so I arrived in the pub slightly trepidatious. I'd already had my originally booked act for the evening CANCEL so hoped that would be all that went wrong. SPOILERS: it was.

I'd got there early so was able to tentatively book the NEXT run of gigs, which'll be running from February to June next year. The pub needed to CHECK a couple of them, so I'll wait until then to properly announce them, but it felt GOOD to know there'd be more!

I was soon joined by Mr S Hewitt and then, just after 7, by a SLEW of people, pretty much ALL of whom were CHUMS of long standing. It was a bit ODD to be honest - many times the audience at Totally Acoustic has featured almost NO people I know in real life, but this time a METRIC TONNE of old pals rolled up. I ended up swanning about upstairs introducing people to each other like it was a SALON!

All the ACTS had arrived in good time so we BEGAN in good time, although just as I was about to start I realised I needed a WEE so got Steve to welcome people - a job he did as if he was BORN to it. Once I returned we did the THEME TUNE and then i played THIS:
  • I Come From The Fens
  • Strangely Attractive
  • My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once
  • That Guy

  • It looks like an ODD little set but it seemed to work, and I rather ENJOYED it. It was nice to do songs at Totally Acoustic that I actually KNEW and it was, as ever, HEARTENING to have the new one, That Guy, go down well.

    After me we moved straight on to Mr Martin Austwick, who was a DELIGHT. I think he spent as much time EXPLAINING songs as SINGING them which, as anyone who's ever seen me live will know, is an ALIEN IDEA to me, but he did it with such STYLE and CHARM that it was thoroughly enjoyable and, as he said, gave us all a door into his unique, COMPLEX, thoughtful songs. It was ace!

    And then, after a beer break, it was time for The Patron Saint Of Totally Acoustic, Mr Pete Green, who was GRATE. Last time I saw him he'd said he was going to try out some POEMS and I must admit I was slightly AFEARED. I need not have been, as they were BRILL - funny, interesting, and really rather beautiful. The songs were good too!

    You can hear it all for yourself on the podcast, but what you can't hear is the rest of the evening, when we fell to MORE BEER before retiring en masse to the downstairs bar, where a large contingent of us stayed until well past closing time, YACKING and drinking whiskey. It was a lovely night, though the next morning was hard to deal with!

    posted 10/11/2014 by MJ Hibbett

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    It was ace, felt like meeting old friends for me too with you and C, Steve, Pete, Marianthi, John etc. Happy days indeed!
    posted 10/11/2014 by Warren

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