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Blog: Ignite The Engines Of Production

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I am RATHER EXCITED at the moment, as I have just got back from the Post Office, from whence I sent the final mastered version of "Shed Anthems" to the manufacturers. The artwork's done, the multimedia's finished, the songs are sequenced and all that (hopefully) remains between me and the finished product is 10 Working Days. WAHEY!

It's strange though, because we've been labouring away on this for such a long time (well, not compared to how long it took to do "This Is Not A Library", but anyway), and I've had it all planned out so much in advance, that to actually reach a major Signing Off Point like this has taken me by surprise. Somehow having thought about it, planned the timing, and worked away at the artwork and web stuff for WEEKS has obscured the actual AIM of the whole thing, so that this afternoon the realisation that, hey hey, we've got a new EP coming out, has LEAPT out at me from behind a WALL of Organisation, and said "KER-ZANG!"

The EXCITEMENT has been enhanced also by me FINALLY listening to the EP as a whole. Until now I've only had the five new recordings on CD in the order they were mixed in. Earlier on today I created a CD of the whole thing, in the correct order, and with "Things'll Be Different" in its rightful place at the start, and GOOD GOLLY but it's a ROCKING PACKAGE. No, really, I know I say so myself as shouldn't, but it's BLOODY GOOD STUFF. I feel that, if you enjoyed "This Is Not A Library", you will enjoy this one ALSO. Because it's ACE.

Wahey! Now to spend a fortnight worrying about press releases, mailing lists and envelopes!

posted 27/4/2004 by MJ Hibbett

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