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Marvel Age Doom: Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #2

Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #2

Cover Date:Sep-81
Main Story:Dr. Doom, Master Of The World
Writer:Jeffrey Scott
Summary:Doc Doom captures Air Force One and brainwashes the President. Peter Parker is at the airport with the rest of the journalists, and decides to investigate on the late arrival. Spider-Man makes it to Doc Doom's blimp, but Doom sends Spider-Man to his doom on the crashing plane and goes to kidnap the U.N. assembly members. Spider-Man escapes and confronts a nuclear robot of Doc Doom. Spider-Man defeats the robot, but his real goal is to keep Doc Doom from brainwashing the Secretary-General of the U.N.
Click here to read a blog entry about this comic.

A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett