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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 67
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Hello everybody - we've got Fringe festivals, videos, Indietracks, albums and MORE to talk about this time, so let's GET GOING!
No gigs at ALL this month - SHOCK! But Totally Acoustic starts in October...
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
Our lovely b-sides and rarities album will be released on October 18th, available through online retailers, iTunes and, of course, from our own shop. There'll also be the usual Early Bird offer for everyone on this mailing list - look to your inbox on September 30th to find out how to buy it SUPER EARLY!
The new SEASON of Totally Acoustic starts in October - we'll be doing one every two weeks between then and Christmas, with a PODCAST following each one featuring the best bits of every show. This is my first time podcasting so I really hope it works! Here's who's playing:
Mon 11 Oct - Gavin Osborn and Dr Neil Brown
Tue 26 Oct - Winston Echo and Pete Green
Mon 8 Nov - Frankie Machine and The Bobby McGees
Tue 23 Nov - Dave Green and Jenny Lockyer
Tue 7 Dec - Keith TOTP and Tim Eveleigh
Tue 21 Dec - Chris T-T and Andy from Pocketbooks
Pretty GRATE isn't it? I'll be playing too (sorry!) and they'll all be at The Lamb on Lamb's Conduit Street in London, with the podcasts coming about a week later. See http://www.totallyacoustic.com nearer the time for directions and download instructions!
Thanks SO much to EVERYONE who came to see "Dinosaur Planet" in Edinburgh or at The Camden Fringe. We had a brilliant time at both festivals, and we're already making plans to go back next year. Before that we've got a "Dinosaur Planet" tour to sort out tho - if anyone fancies putting us on do get in touch!
This month's album added to bandcamp is our PREVIOUS b-sides and rarities album, "Warriors Of Nanpantan". If you've not heard it before now is a good time to get in training for the further b-sides to come!
We're on TWO new compilations this month - "No More Of Your Fairy Stories" (a tribute to the RAMONES in which we do our best to play "Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glues" in as many different STYLES as possible) and "Maurenbrecher fur Alles" (a tribute to Manfred Maurenbrecher, featuring my translation of "Arbeit" as "Work", and LOTS of German bands). You can get hold of the Ramones one by emailing precordialcatchrecords@gmail.com and Mr Maurenrecher's tribute can be got from http://www.maurenbrecher.eu .
And finally - the lovely people who run the Indietracks festival are trying to raise money for the Midland Railway, where the festival happens, so they can finish building their station building. It's a lovely idea I reckon, and if you agree you can donate HERE: http://www.charitygiving.co.uk/indietracks2010
And I think that's the lot for now - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
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