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Blog: Oof!

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On Monday night myself and The Punchline Of My Gag went to London's fashionable Leicester Square area of London for a night at the THEATRE. For LO! AGES ago we had got tickets to see John Shuttleworth on tour, and this was the night it was happening.

The show was in the Leicester Square Theatre, which is LOVELY. The seats are comfy, you can see everything, and there's FOUR easily accessible bars so you can actually get a drink. Even better, our seats were on row B at the end, just after Row A stopped existing, so we had vast swathes of legroom for the entire show. It felt very luxurious!

The show itself was BRILLIANT. He really is very funny, but later on when I thought about the bits that made me laugh the most I realised that none of them were Actual Jokes. There's a bit where he tries to remember someone's surname which made me LARF no end at the time and then for days afterwards, also a whole section about a dust pan and handbrush which is making me grin now even thinking about it. It's all so beautifully done - for instance, he briefly gets onto the subject of Greta Thunberg and it's done in such a nice way, based on what a bloke like John Shuttleworth probably would think but demonstrating kindness to the character too. It was really good!

It was a very mixed audience, age-wise, which I guess speaks to how long the act has been going, both on Radio 4 (you could definitely spot the Radio 4 listeners!) and the live comedy circuit. It was all rather wonderful, with the only thing ever so slightly bothering me being the subject matter. A LOT of his songs are about mundane, everyday matters done for humorous purposes, and it struck me throughout that it's not a million miles away from the sort of things I write songs about. But that can't be right can it? I am a SERIOUS ARTISTE!

posted 4/3/2020 by MJ Hibbett

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