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Blog: Working Hard

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I am RETURNED from the post office, where nearly all of the newsletter competition PRIZES have been sent out, so if you entered, stand by your letterboxes!

Meanwhile I've been getting myself TOGETHER for the next few GIGS in Tallington on Friday, Brighton on Saturday, and then Birmingham at the Bohemian Jukebox next Thursday. I'm staying over in an HOTEL that night, it will be DELIGHTFUL. While I'm talking GIGS - Londoners can expect a HASSLING EMAIL soon about my gig at the 12 Bar at the end of the month, and DERBY types must GIRD themselves for disappointment, as the all-dayer in August that i was going to compere is now NOT happening.

It's all go! Simultaneously, this week's Johnny Yeah show on Kooba Radio not only features BEST! USE! EVER! of "Symbol Of Our Nation" but also starts off with a STIRRING speech re. London just lately which,i must admit, made me shed a manly tear, as it is GRATE. Do go and listen, why don't you?

You could also try visiting the website of The Bobby McGees, which at some point promises to feature their version of "Bands From London (are shit)" called... er... "Bands From Brighton". It wasn't there last time i looked, but i HAVE heard it, and it is PARTICULARLY ace.

PHEW! Action PACKED - now for a lie down!

posted 13/7/2005 by MJ Hibbett

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I look forward to seeing you once again on the South Coast this weekend Mr. H. It promises to be a fun adventure
posted 13/7/2005 by Winston E

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